Tcl3D reference
This page documents all Tcl3D specific functions.
Name: tcl3dAddEvents - Add virtual events.
Synopsis: tcl3dAddEvents {}
Description: Add the following virtual events for cross-platform
mouse event handling:
Name: tcl3dAfterIdle - Workaround for after idle command.
Synopsis: tcl3dAfterIdle { cmd args }
Description: cmd : string
args: Variable argument list
Command "cmd" with optional arguments "args" is executed
in an "after idle" callback.
The after idle callbacks are typically used in Tcl3D
scripts to implement animations.
On the Mac the after idle usage causes problems
(freezing the application) when resizing the window.
This procedure implements a workaround for these Mac
related problems. For all other platforms this procedure
is just a wrapper for the standard "after idle" command.
Return the callback id, which can be used in an
"after cancel" callback.
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::autoscroll - Create auto scrollbar
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::autoscroll { w }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
Create a scroll bar that disappears when it is not
needed, and reappears when it is.
The scroll bar "w" should already exist.
Side effects:
The widget command is renamed, so that the 'set' command
can be intercepted and determine whether the widget
should appear.
In addition, the 'Autoscroll' bind tag is added to the
widget, so that the <Destroy> event can be intercepted.
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::unautoscroll
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::destroyed - Destroy callback.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::destroyed { w }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
Callback executed when automatic scroll bar "w" is
Side effects:
Cleans up internal memory.
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::map
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::map - Mapping callback.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::map { w }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
Callback executed when automatic scroll bar "w" is mapped.
Side effects:
Geometry of scroll bar's top-level window is constrained.
This procedure keeps the top-level window associated with
an automatic scroll bar from being resized automatically
after the scroll bar is mapped. This effect avoids a
potential endless loop in the case where the resize of the
top-level window resizes the widget being scrolled,
causing the scroll bar no longer to be needed.
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::destroyed
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::unautoscroll - Remove scrollbar from
package control.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::unautoscroll { w }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
Return a scrollbar to its normal static behavior by
removing it from the control of this package.
"w" is the path name of the scroll bar, which must have
previously had tcl3dAutoscroll::autoscroll called on it.
Side effects:
The widget command is renamed to its original name.
The widget is mapped if it was not currently displayed.
The widgets bindtags are returned to their original state.
Internal memory is cleaned up.
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::autoscroll
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::unwrap - Turn off automatic
autoscrolling of new scrollbars.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::unwrap {}
Description: Turn off automatic autoscrolling of new scrollbars.
Does not effect existing scrollbars.
Side effects:
::scrollbar is returned to its original state
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::wrap
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::widgetCommand - Apply a widget command.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::widgetCommand { w command args }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
command : string
args : argument list
Apply widget command "command" on 'autoscroll' scrollbar
"w". Arguments to the commands can be supplied in "args".
Return whatever the widget command returns.
Side effects:
Has whatever side effects the widget command has. In
addition, the 'set' widget command is handled specially,
by gridding/packing the scroll bar according to whether
it is required.
Name: tcl3dAutoscroll::wrap - Autoscroll all new scrollbars.
Synopsis: tcl3dAutoscroll::wrap {}
Description: Arrange for all new scrollbars to be automatically
Side effects:
::scrollbar is overloaded to automatically autoscroll
any new scrollbars.
See also: tcl3dAutoscroll::unwrap
Name: tcl3dCanvas2File - Copy canvas content into image file.
Synopsis: tcl3dCanvas2File { canv fileName { fmt "JPEG" }
{ opts "" } }
Description: canv : string (Widget name)
fileName : string
fmt : string
opts : string
Copy the contents of canvas "canv" into a photo image
and save the image to file "fileName". The file format
handler is determined with "fmt". Some formats need
optional parameters. These can be supplied in "opts".
See the Img documentation (man img) for a list of format
handlers and options.
See also: tcl3dCanvas2Img tcl3dWidget2File tcl3dClipboard2File tcl3dWindow2File
Name: tcl3dCanvas2Img - Copy canvas content into photo image.
Synopsis: tcl3dCanvas2Img { canv }
Description: canv : string (Widget name)
Copy the contents of canvas "canv" into a photo image.
Return the photo image identifier.
See also: tcl3dCanvas2File tcl3dWidget2Img tcl3dClipboard2Img tcl3dWindow2Img
Name: tcl3dCharToNum - Convert character to integer.
Synopsis: tcl3dCharToNum { char }
Description: char : character
Convert an ASCII character into the corresponding
numeric value.
See also: tcl3dNumToChar
Name: tcl3dClipboard2File - Copy clipboard content into file.
Synopsis: tcl3dClipboard2File { fileName { fmt "JPEG" }
{ opts "" } }
Description: fileName : string
fmt : string
opts : string
Copy the contents of the Windows clipboard into a photo
image and save the image to file "fileName". The file
format handler is determined with "fmt". Some formats
need optional parameters.
These can be supplied in "opts".
See the Img documentation (man img) for a list of format
handlers and options.
Note: This function is currently available only under
Windows and needs the Twapi extension.
See also: tcl3dClipboard2Img tcl3dWidget2File tcl3dCanvas2File tcl3dWindow2File
Name: tcl3dClipboard2Img - Copy clipboard content into photo
Synopsis: tcl3dClipboard2Img {}
Description: Copy the contents of the Windows clipboard into a photo
Return the photo image identifier, if successful.
Otherwise a Tcl error is thrown.
Note: This function is currently available only under
Windows and needs the Twapi extension.
See also: tcl3dClipboard2File tcl3dWidget2Img tcl3dCanvas2Img tcl3dWindow2Img
Name: tcl3dConsoleCreate - Create a console window.
Synopsis: tcl3dConsoleCreate { w prompt title }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
prompt : string
title : string
Create a new console window "w". The window's title will
be set to "title". The prompt inside the console's text
widget will be set to "prompt".
tcl3dConsoleCreate .myConsole "tcl3d> " "Tcl3D Console"
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledCanvas - Create a scrolled
canvas widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledCanvas { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled canvas widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created canvas widget.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledFrame - Create a scrolled
frame widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledFrame { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled frame widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created frame widget.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledListbox - Create a scrolled
listbox widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledListbox { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled listbox widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created listbox widget.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledTable - Create a scrolled
tktable widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledTable { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled TkTable widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created TkTable widget.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledTablelist - Create a scrolled
tablelist widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledTablelist { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled tablelist widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created tablelist widget.
Note: A "package require tablelist" must be issued before
using this function.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledText - Create a scrolled
text widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledText { wid titleStr args }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a scrolled text widget. "wid" specifies the
parent frame of the created scrolled widget. "titleStr"
specifies the string displayed as widget title.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created text widget.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget tcl3dSetScrolledTitle
Name: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget - Create a scrolled widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget { wType wid titleStr args }
Description: wType : string
wid : string
titleStr : string
args : list
Create a compound widget with horizontal and vertical
scrollbars. The type of the widget is given with "wType"
and must be a valid Tk widget like canvas or text.
"wid" is the parent frame of the compound widget and
must already exist.
The compound widget may have a title string, which is
given with "titleStr". If "titleStr" is an empty string,
no title label will be generated.
With optional parameter "args" additional widget
specific parameters may be supplied.
Return the identifier to the created master widget.
There exist several utility procedures for often used
Tk widget types. See list below.
See also: tcl3dSetScrolledTitle tcl3dCreateScrolledFrame tcl3dCreateScrolledListbox tcl3dCreateScrolledText tcl3dCreateScrolledCanvas tcl3dCreateScrolledTable tcl3dCreateScrolledTablelist
Name: tcl3dCreateTmpDir - Create a unique temporary directory.
Synopsis: tcl3dCreateTmpDir {}
Description: Create a unique temporary directory.
Return the full path name of the created directory.
The new directory is created in the standard temporary
directory as returned by tcl3dGetTmpDir.
See also: tcl3dGetTmpDir
Name: tcl3dDMSToDec - Convert DMS notation into decimal degree.
Synopsis: tcl3dDMSToDec { deg min sec sign }
Description: deg : integer (degrees of the angle)
min : integer (minutes of the angle)
sec : double (seconds of the angle)
sign: integer
Convert an angle specified in the DMS notation into a
decimal value. The converted value is returned as a
double value.
See also: tcl3dDecToDMS
Name: tcl3dDecToDMS - Convert decimal degree to DMS notation.
Synopsis: tcl3dDecToDMS { decDeg { asString true }
{ numDigits 5 } }
Description: decDeg : double (angle in degrees)
asString : bool
numDigits: integer
Convert angle "decDeg" into the DMS notation
(i.e. Degree, Minute, Seconds).
If "asString" is true, the DMS value is returned as a
string in the format (+-)D°M'S". Example: -32°15'1.23"
Otherwise the DMS values are returned as a list in the
following order: { D M S Sign }
"numDigits" specifies the number of digits for the S
See also: tcl3dDMSToDec
Name: tcl3dDegToRad - Convert angle from degrees to radians.
Synopsis: tcl3dDegToRad { ang }
Description: ang : double
Return angle "ang" specified in degress in radians.
See also: tcl3dRadToDeg
Name: tcl3dDemoUtilHeightmapFromPhoto - Create a heightmap
from an image.
Synopsis: tcl3dDemoUtilHeightmapFromPhoto {
phImg flHeightScale flResolution }
Description: phImg : string (Photo image identifier)
flHeightScale : float
flResolution : float
Create two Tcl3D vectors containing the vertices and
texture coordinates of a heightmap created from the image
data of photo image "phImg".
The height values can be scaled with "flHeightScale".
"flResolution" indicates how many pixels form a vertex.
The two vectors and the number of vertices generated are
returned as a Tcl list:
Index 0: Vertex vector
Index 1: Texture coordinates vector
Index 2: Number of vertices
Name: tcl3dDesktop2Clipboard - Copy desktop contents into
Synopsis: tcl3dDesktop2Clipboard {}
Description: Copy the contents of the whole desktop (PrtSc) into the
Windows clipboard.
Note: This function is currently available only under
Windows and needs the Twapi extension.
See also: tcl3dWindow2Clipboard
Name: tcl3dFTGLGetBBox - Get bounding box of a string.
Synopsis: tcl3dFTGLGetBBox { font str }
Description: font : string (Font identifier)
str : string
Return the bounding box of string "str" displayed in
font "font".
The bounding box is returned as a list of 6 values:
{ xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax }
"font" must be an identifier as returned by one of the
FTGL*Font functions (ex. FTGLBitmapFont).
Name: tcl3dFTGLGetVersion - Get FTGL version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dFTGLGetVersion {}
Description: Return the version string of the wrapped FTGL library.
The version is returned as "Major.Minor.Patch".
If FTGL is not wrapped or supported, an empty string
is returned.
Note: FTGL does not support version numbers in the code,
so the version number is hand-coded here.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dGetLibraryInfo
Name: tcl3dFindColorName - Validate Tcl color name.
Synopsis: tcl3dFindColorName { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Check, if supplied color name is a valid string color name.
If true, return the supplied color name, otherwise
return an empty string.
See also: tcl3dGetColorNames
Name: tcl3dGenExtName - Create a name on the file system.
Synopsis: tcl3dGenExtName { fileName }
Description: fileName : string
Return a valid path name on the file system generated
from the file name specified in "fileName".
Use this function, if writing to a file from a script,
which may be running from within a Starpack.
If the script is not executed from a Starpack, the
function returns the supplied parameter unchanged.
See also: tcl3dGetExtFile
Name: tcl3dGeoToLocalOrient - Orientation conversion.
Synopsis: tcl3dGeoToLocalOrient { psi theta phi lat lon }
Description: psi : double (Orientation angle in radian)
theta: double (Orientation angle in radian)
phi : double (Orientation angle in radian)
lat : double (latitude in radian)
lon : double (longitude in radian)
Convert global orientation angles into Euler angles
measured in a NED coordinate system located at
(lat, lon).
The converted orientations are returned as a 3-element
list containing the head, pitch and roll values in
See also: tcl3dGeodeticToGeocentric tcl3dGeocentricToGeodetic tcl3dLocalToGeoOrient
Name: tcl3dGeocentricToGeodetic - Position conversion.
Synopsis: tcl3dGeocentricToGeodetic { x y z }
Description: x : double (ECEF x coordinate in meter)
y : double (ECEF y coordinate in meter)
z : double (ECEF z coordinate in meter)
Convert a geocentric ECEF position specified with
x, y and z into geodetic coordinates.
The used reference ellipsoid is WGS84.
The converted coordinates are returned as a 3-element
list containing the latitude, longitude and altitude
values in radian.
See also: tcl3dGeodeticToGeocentric tcl3dLocalToGeoOrient tcl3dGeoToLocalOrient
Name: tcl3dGeodeticToGeocentric - Position conversion.
Synopsis: tcl3dGeodeticToGeocentric { lat lon alt }
Description: lat : double (Latitude in radian)
lon : double (Longitude in radian)
alt : double (Altitude in radian)
Convert a geodetic position specified with latitide,
longitude and altitude into geocentric coordinates.
The used reference ellipsoid is WGS84.
The converted coordinates are returned as a 3-element
list containing the ECEF x, y and z values in meter.
See also: tcl3dGeocentricToGeodetic tcl3dLocalToGeoOrient tcl3dGeoToLocalOrient
Name: tcl3dGetColorNames - Get all supported Tcl color names.
Synopsis: tcl3dGetColorNames {}
Description: Return a list of all supported Tcl color name strings.
See also: tcl3dFindColorName
Name: tcl3dGetDirList - Get the contents of a directory.
Synopsis: tcl3dGetDirList {dirName
{showDirs 1} {showFiles 1}
{showHiddenDirs 1} {showHiddenFiles 1}
{dirPattern *} {filePattern *}}
Description: dirName : string
showDirs : bool
showFiles : bool
showHiddenDirs : bool
showHiddenFiles : bool
dirPattern : string
filePattern : string
Scan directory "dirName" and return a two-element list
consisting of all directories and files of the scanned
The first element contains the directory list, where the
pathnames of the directories are absolute pathes.
The second element contains the file list with no path
The result list can be filtered by specifying the other
procdure parameters and should be self-explaining.
See also: tcl3dCreateTmpDir
Name: tcl3dGetExtFile - Get a name on the file system.
Synopsis: tcl3dGetExtFile { fileName { forceOverwrite false } }
Description: fileName : string
Return a valid path name on the file system generated
from the file name specified in "fileName".
Use this function, if a file is needed for reading
from an external Tcl3D library, like font files (used by
FTGL) or shader files and the script may be executed
from within a virtual file system (ex. starkit vfs).
The file included in the virtual file system is
transparently copied onto the file system and that path
name is returned. If "forceOverwrite" is set to true,
an existing file with the same name is overwritten.
The path name is built using a system-wide temporary
directory as returned by tcl3dGetTmpDir.
If the script is not executed from within a virtual
file system, the function returns the supplied parameter
See also: tcl3dGenExtName tcl3dGetTmpDir
Name: tcl3dGetLibraryInfo - Get library version of a Tcl3D
Synopsis: tcl3dGetLibraryInfo { pkgName }
Description: pkgName : string
Return the library version corresponding to supplied
Tcl3D package name "pkgName" as a string. If no version
information is available, an empty string is returned.
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo
Name: tcl3dGetPackageInfo - Get Tcl3D package information.
Synopsis: tcl3dGetPackageInfo {}
Description: Return a list of sub-lists containing Tcl3D package
information. Each sub-list contains the name of the
sub-package, the availability flag (0 or 1), the
sub-package version as well as the version of the
wrapped library.
{tcl3dftgl 1 1.0.0 2.1.3-rc5}
{tcl3dgauges 1 1.0.0 {}}
{tcl3dgl2ps 1 1.0.0 1.4.2}
{tcl3dogl 1 1.0.0 {4.6.0 NVIDIA 512.36}}
{tcl3dosg 1 1.0.0 3.4.1}
{tcl3dsdl 1 1.0.0 2.26.2}
See also: tcl3dShowPackageInfo
Name: tcl3dGetTmpDir - Get the name of a temporary directory.
Synopsis: tcl3dGetTmpDir {}
Description: Return the location of a temporary directory name.
The function checks the following environment variables
If none of these variables are defined, standard places
are checked (C:/Windows/Temp, /tmp).
See also: tcl3dCreateTmpDir
Name: tcl3dGl2psCreateFile - Create file from OpenGL content.
Synopsis: tcl3dGl2psCreateFile { toglwin filename format
{ title "Tcl3D Screenshot" }
{ drawBackground 0 }
{ producer "Tcl3D" } }
Description: toglwin : string (Togl identifier)
filename : string
format : string
title : string
drawBackground : boolean
producer : string
Create an image file from current Togl window content.
The image file is written in format "format".
"format" can be one of the following format strings:
"PS", "EPS", "PDF", "SVG", "TEX", PGF".
The file is created from the Togl window identified by
"toglwin" and written to file "filename".
The following optional parameters set format specific
"title" is the name of the document title.
If "drawBackground" is set to true, the background
color of the Togl window is also used as the background
color of the output file. Otherwise the background
color is set to white.
"procuder" is the name of the producer property.
Name: tcl3dGl2psCreatePdf - Create PDF from OpenGL content.
Synopsis: tcl3dGl2psCreatePdf { toglwin filename
{ title "Tcl3D Screenshot" }
{ drawBackground 0 }
{ producer "Tcl3D" } }
Description: toglwin : string (Togl identifier)
filename : string
title : string
drawBackground : boolean
producer : string
Create a PDF file from current Togl window content.
The PDF is created from the Togl window identified by
"toglwin" and written to file "filename".
The following optional parameters set PDF specific
"title" is the name of the document title as
listed in the document properties of the PDF file.
If "drawBackground" is set to true, the background
color of the Togl window is also used as the background
color of the PDf document. Otherwise the PDF background
color is set to white.
"procuder" is the name of the producer property as
listed in the document properties of the PDF file.
Name: tcl3dGl2psGetVersion - Get GL2PS version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dGl2psGetVersion {}
Description: Return the version string of the wrapped GL2PS library.
The version is returned as "Major.Minor.Patch".
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dGetLibraryInfo
Name: tcl3dHaveAqua - Check, if windowing system is Aqua.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveAqua {}
Description: Return true, if the windowing system is Apple's Aqua.
Otherwise return false.
See also: tcl3dShowIndicator
Name: tcl3dHaveFTGL - Check availability of tcl3dFTGL module.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveFTGL {}
Description: Return 1, if the FTGL library has been loaded successfully
via the tcl3dFTGL module. Otherwise return 0.
Note: This function is only available when loading Tcl3D
via a "package require tcl3d".
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo tcl3dFTGLGetVersion
Name: tcl3dHaveGl2ps - Check availability of tcl3dGl2ps module.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveGl2ps {}
Description: Return 1, if the GL2PS library has been loaded successfully
via the tcl3dGl2ps module. Otherwise return 0.
Note: This function is only available when loading Tcl3D
via a "package require tcl3d".
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo tcl3dGl2psGetVersion
Name: tcl3dHaveOsg - Check availability of tcl3dOsg module.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveOsg {}
Description: Return 1, if the OSG library has been loaded successfully
via the tcl3dOsg module. Otherwise return 0.
Note: This function is only available when loading Tcl3D
via a "package require tcl3d".
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo tcl3dOsgGetVersion
Name: tcl3dHavePackage - Check availability of a specific
Tcl3D package.
Synopsis: tcl3dHavePackage { pkgName version }
Description: pkgName : string
version : string
Return 1, if Tcl package "pkgName" is available in at
least version "version". Otherwise return 0.
Example: tcl3dHavePackage tcl3dsdl 1.0.0
checks availability of the tcl3dSDL package in
at least version 1.0.0.
See also: tcl3dHaveSDL
Name: tcl3dHaveSDL - Check availability of tcl3dSDL module.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveSDL {}
Description: Return 1, if the SDL library has been loaded successfully
via the tcl3dSDL module. Otherwise return 0.
Note: This function is only available when loading Tcl3D
via a "package require tcl3d".
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo tcl3dSDLGetVersion
Name: tcl3dHaveTkgl - Check availability of Tkgl module.
Synopsis: tcl3dHaveTkgl {}
Description: Return 1, if the Tkgl library has been loaded successfully.
Otherwise return 0.
Note: This function is only available when loading Tcl3D
via a "package require tcl3d".
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo
Name: tcl3dImg2Clipboard - Copy photo image into clipboard.
Synopsis: tcl3dImg2Clipboard { phImg }
Description: phImg : string (Photo image identifier)
Copy photo image "phImg" into the Windows clipboard.
Note: This function is currently available only under
Windows and needs the Twapi extension.
See also: tcl3dClipboard2Img
Name: tcl3dLocalToGeoOrient - Orientation conversion.
Synopsis: tcl3dLocalToGeoOrient { head pitch roll lat lon }
Description: head : double (Euler angle in radian)
pitch: double (Euler angle in radian)
roll : double (Euler angle in radian)
lat : double (Latitude in radian)
lon : double (Longitude in radian)
Convert Euler angles (measured in a NED coordinate
system located at (lat, lon) into global orientation
The converted orientations are returned as a 3-element
list containing the psi, theta and phi values in radian.
See also: tcl3dGeodeticToGeocentric tcl3dGeocentricToGeodetic tcl3dGeoToLocalOrient
Name: tcl3dLogoDestroyPoSoft - Destroy poSoft logo window.
Synopsis: tcl3dLogoDestroyPoSoft {}
Description: Destroy a previously opened poSoft logo window.
See also: tcl3dLogoShowPoSoft tcl3dLogoShowTcl
Name: tcl3dLogoDestroyTcl - Destroy Tcl logo window.
Synopsis: tcl3dLogoDestroyTcl { w img }
Description: Destroy a previously opened Tcl logo window.
See also: tcl3dLogoShowTcl tcl3dLogoShowPoSoft
Name: tcl3dLogoShowPoSoft - Display poSoft logo.
Synopsis: tcl3dLogoShowPoSoft { version copyright withdrawWin }
Description: version : string
copyright : string
withdrawWin : string (Widget name)
Display the poSoft logo in two possible ways:
If "withdrawWin" is set to the empty string, the logo
is shown in a window with decoration. This may be used
for displaying the logo as an action for an "About"
menu entry.
If "withdrawWin" is set to an existing window name
(typically the name of the main application window), the
logo window is shown without decoration as a splash
window, which automatically disappears after a second.
The logo window has two label widgets to display
additional text messages, which are specified in
"version" and "copyright".
See also: tcl3dLogoDestroyPoSoft tcl3dLogoShowTcl
Name: tcl3dLogoShowTcl - Display Tcl logo.
Synopsis: tcl3dLogoShowTcl { args }
Description: args : variable parameter list
Display the Tcl logo with additional text messages in
a window with decoration. This may be used
for displaying the logo as an action for an "About"
menu entry.
"args" may contain any combination of the following
package names:
Tk Img Tktable combobox mysqltcl tcom
See also: tcl3dLogoShowPoSoft
Name: tcl3dMatPrint - Print contents of a transformation
Synopsis: tcl3dMatPrint { mat { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
Description: mat : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
precisionString: string, optional
Print the contents of transformation matrix "mat" onto
standard output. "mat" is a Tcl3D Vector of size 16
and type float or double.
See also: tcl3dVec3Print
Name: glMultiDrawElements - Draw multiple array elements.
Synopsis: glMultiDrawElements {
mode count type indices primcount }
Description: mode : GLenum
count : tcl3dVector of type GLuint
type : GLenum
indices : List of tcl3dVectors
primcount : integer
Tcl wrapper for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElements.
As the Tcl3D Swig wrapper currently does not support
"void **" pointers, the multiple array elements must be
specified as a list of tcl3dVectors.
Name: tcl3dName2Hex - Convert color name to Tcl hexadecimal.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2Hex { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
Tcl hexadecimal representation.
Tcl colors are returned as string in the following format:
See also: tcl3dName2rgb tcl3dName2rgbf
Name: tcl3dName2Hexa - Convert color name to Tcl hexadecimal.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2Hexa { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
Tcl hexadecimal representation.
Tcl colors are returned as string in the following format:
See also: tcl3dName2rgba tcl3dName2rgbaf
Name: tcl3dName2rgb - Convert color name to OpenGL RGB.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2rgb { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
OpenGL RGB representation.
OpenGL colors are returned as a list of 3 unsigned
bytes: { r g b }
See also: tcl3dName2rgba tcl3dName2rgbf
Name: tcl3dName2rgba - Convert color name to OpenGL RGBA.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2rgba { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
OpenGL RGBA representation.
OpenGL colors are returned as a list of 4 unsigned bytes:
{ r g b a }
See also: tcl3dName2rgb tcl3dName2rgbaf
Name: tcl3dName2rgbaf - Convert color name to OpenGL float RGBA.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2rgbaf { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
OpenGL float RGBA representation.
OpenGL colors are returned as a list of 4 floats in the
range [0..1]: { r g b a }
See also: tcl3dName2rgba tcl3dName2rgbf
Name: tcl3dName2rgbf - Convert color name to OpenGL float RGB.
Synopsis: tcl3dName2rgbf { colorName }
Description: colorName : string
Convert Tcl color name "colorName" into the corresponding
OpenGL float RGB representation.
OpenGL colors are returned as a list of 3 floats in the
range [0..1]: { r g b }
See also: tcl3dName2rgbaf tcl3dName2rgb
Name: tcl3dNumToChar - Convert integer to character.
Synopsis: tcl3dNumToChar { num }
Description: num : int
Convert a numeric value into the corresponding ASCII
See also: tcl3dCharToNum
Name: tcl3dOglBuildProgram - Build a shader program.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglBuildProgram { vertexSource controlSource
evaluationSource geometrySource fragmentSource }
Description: vertexSource : string
controlSource : string
evaluationSource: string
geometrySource : string
fragmentSource : string
Compile and link the specified shader sources.
Vertex and fragment shader sources must be given. All
other parameters can be supplied as an empty string, if
the corresponding render stage should not be used.
See also: tcl3dOglCompileProgram tcl3dOglLinkProgram tcl3dOglDestroyProgram
Name: tcl3dOglCompileProgram - Compile a shader program.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglCompileProgram { vertexSource controlSource
evaluationSource geometrySource fragmentSource }
Description: vertexSource : string
controlSource : string
evaluationSource: string
geometrySource : string
fragmentSource : string
Compile and attach the specified shader sources.
Vertex and fragment shader sources must be given. All
other parameters can be supplied as an empty string, if
the corresponding render stage should not be used.
See also: tcl3dOglBuildProgram tcl3dOglLinkProgram tcl3dOglDestroyProgram
Name: tcl3dOglDestroyProgram - Destroy a shader program.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglDestroyProgram { programDict }
Description: programDict : Program dictionary
Destroy the program specified in the program dictionary.
"programDict" is the dictionary returned by
tcl3dOglCompileProgram or tcl3dOglBuildProgram.
See also: tcl3dOglBuildProgram tcl3dOglCompileProgram tcl3dOglLinkProgram
Name: tcl3dOglFindFunc - Find an OpenGL function.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglFindFunc { glFunc }
Description: Return the name of an OpenGL function implemented in
the available OpenGL driver.
First it is checked, if the function is available
as a native implementation. If the OpenGL version does
not supply the function, all possible extension names
are checked in the order as returned by
If none of these checks succeed, an empty string is
See also: tcl3dOglGetExtSuffixes
Name: tcl3dOglGetBooleanState - Get OpenGL state variable.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetBooleanState { state { numVals 1 } }
Description: state : GLenum
numVals : int
Utility function to query a boolean OpenGL state
variable with glGetBooleanv.
The state variable to be queried is specified as an
GLenum in parameter "state".
The value of the state variable is returned as an
integer scalar value, if "numVals" is 1. If "numVals" is
greater than 1, a Tcl list is returned.
Note: See chapter 6.2 of the OpenGL reference
specification for a list of state variables.
See also: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState tcl3dOglGetFloatState tcl3dOglGetDoubleState
Name: tcl3dOglGetDoubleState - Get OpenGL state variable.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetDoubleState { state { numVals 1 } }
Description: state : GLenum
numVals : int
Utility function to query a 64-bit floating point
OpenGL state variable with glGetDoublev.
The state variable to be queried is specified as an
GLenum in parameter "state".
The value of the state variable is returned as a
double scalar value, if "numVals" is 1. If "numVals" is
greater than 1, a Tcl list is returned.
Note: See chapter 6.2 of the OpenGL reference
specification for a list of state variables.
See also: tcl3dOglGetBooleanState tcl3dOglGetIntegerState tcl3dOglGetFloatState
Name: tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion - Get the version or extension
name of an OpenGL enumeration.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion { enum }
Description: Return the version or extension name of OpenGL
enumeration "enum" as a string.
If "enum" is not a wrapped OpenGL enumeration,
an empty string is returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersionList tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion
Name: tcl3dOglGetError - Check for an OpenGL error.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetError {}
Description: Check, if an OpenGL related error has occurred.
If no error occurred, an emtpy string is returned.
Otherwise a formatted string showing the error number
and the error message is returned.
Name: tcl3dOglGetExtSuffixes - Get OpenGL extension suffixes.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetExtSuffixes {}
Description: Return a list of all OpenGL extension suffixes.
Currently these are:
See also: tcl3dOglGetExtensions
Name: tcl3dOglGetExtensionList - Get list of OpenGL extensions.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetExtensionList { toglwin {what "all"} }
Description: Return a list of OpenGL extension names.
The names are strings identical to their corresponding
C defines.
Examples:GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_EXT_texture3D
If "what" is equal to "all", all OpenGL extension names
are returned.
If "what" is equal to "glew", only the OpenGL
extension names wrapped by GLEW are returned.
If "what" is equal to "driver", only the OpenGL
extension names supported by the driver and hardware of
the actual machine are returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetVersionList tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums
Name: tcl3dOglGetExtensions - Get supported OpenGL extensions.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetExtensions { toglwin {what "all"} }
Description: Return a list containing OpenGL, GLU or platform
specific extension information.
If "what" is equal to "gl", all OpenGL extension names
are returned.
If "what" is equal to "glu", all GLU extension names
are returned.
If "what" is equal to "platform", all platform specific
extension names are returned: GLX_*, WGL_*.
If "what" is equal to "all", all OpenGL, GLU andplatform
specific extension names are returned.
See also: tcl3dOglHaveExtension tcl3dOglGetVersions
Name: tcl3dOglGetFloatState - Get OpenGL state variable.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFloatState { state { numVals 1 } }
Description: state : GLenum
numVals : int
Utility function to query a 32-bit floating point
OpenGL state variable with glGetFloatv.
The state variable to be queried is specified as an
GLenum in parameter "state".
The value of the state variable is returned as a
float scalar value, if "numVals" is 1. If "numVals" is
greater than 1, a Tcl list is returned.
Note: See chapter 6.2 of the OpenGL reference
specification for a list of state variables.
See also: tcl3dOglGetBooleanState tcl3dOglGetIntegerState tcl3dOglGetDoubleState
Name: tcl3dOglGetFormatList - Get OpenGL formats.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFormatList { { patt * } }
Description: Return a sorted list of OpenGL format names.
Name: tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated - Get the OpenGL version, an
OpenGL function has been declared deprecated.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated { func }
Description: Return the version when OpenGL function "func" has been
declared deprecated.
The result is in the format "3.1", "3.2".
For non-deprecated functions "0.0" is returned.
If "func" is not contained in the list of wrapped
OpenGL functions (see tcl3dOglGetFuncList), an empty
string is returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetUrl
Name: tcl3dOglGetFuncList - Get list of OpenGL and GLU
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFuncList { what }
what : string (Default "gl")
Allowed values for what ar: "gl", "glu" or "all"
Description: Return a list of all wrapped OpenGL and/or GLU
function names.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersionList tcl3dOglIsFuncWrapped tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums
Name: tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature - Get the signature of an
OpenGL or GLU function.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature { func {what "c"} }
Description: Return the signature of OpenGL or GLU function "func"
as a string.
If "func" is not contained in the list of wrapped
OpenGL functions (see tcl3dOglGetFuncList), an empty
string is returned.
If "what" is equal to "c", the signature string is returned
in C style notation. This is the default case.
If "what" is equal to "tcl", the signature string is returned
in Tcl style notation.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated tcl3dOglGetUrl
Name: tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion - Get the version or extension
name of an OpenGL function.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion { func }
Description: Return the version or extension name of OpenGL function
"func" as a string.
If "func" is not contained in the list of wrapped
OpenGL functions (see tcl3dOglGetFuncList), an empty
string is returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated tcl3dOglGetUrl tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion
Name: tcl3dOglGetGlewVersion - Get GLEW version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetGlewVersion {}
Description: Return the version string of the GLEW wrapper library.
The version is returned as "Major.Minor.Patch".
If no OpenGL context has been established (i.e. a Togl
window has not been created), the function returns an
empty string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersion tcl3dOglGetVersions
Name: tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB - Get shader object log.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB { object }
Description: object : Shader object
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the shader object (as returned by function
glCreateProgramObjectARB), the function returns the
information log message as a Tcl string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog tcl3dOglGetShaderSource
Name: tcl3dOglGetInfoString - Get environment info string.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetInfoString {}
Description: Return a string containing information about the
following environment values:
Operating system
OpenGL Renderer
OpenGL version
Tcl/Tk version
Tcl/Tk bit size
If no OpenGL context has been established (i.e. a Togl
window has not been created), the returned string does
not contain OpenGL information.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersion tcl3dOglGetVersions
Name: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState - Get OpenGL state variable.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState { state { numVals 1 } }
Description: state : GLenum
numVals : int
Utility function to query an integer OpenGL state
variable with glGetIntegerv.
The state variable to be queried is specified as an
GLenum in parameter "state".
The value of the state variable is returned as an
integer scalar value, if "numVals" is 1. If "numVals" is
greater than 1, a Tcl list is returned.
Note: See chapter 6.2 of the OpenGL reference
specification for a list of state variables.
See also: tcl3dOglGetBooleanState tcl3dOglGetFloatState tcl3dOglGetDoubleState
Name: tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureSize - Get maximum texture size.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureSize {}
Description: Utility function to get maximum size of a texture.
The maximum texture size is returned as integer value.
This function corresponds to querying state variable
See also: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureUnits
Name: tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureUnits - Get maximum texture units.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureUnits {}
Description: Utility function to get maximum number of texture units.
The maximum number of texture units is returned as an
integer value.
This function corresponds to querying state variable
See also: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureSize
Name: tcl3dOglGetProfile - Get OpenGL profile settings.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetProfile { toglwin }
Description: Utility function to get the currently available OpenGL
The wished profile (Core or Compatibility profile,
OpenGL major and minor version) are set when creating a
Togl window with the following command line options:
"-coreprofile bool" "-major int" "-minor int"
As the wished combination might not be available with
the installed OpenGL driver, the following situations
can occur:
1. An error is generated at Togl creation time.
2. A compatibility profile is automatically selected by
the driver.
To check for the second case, issue a call to
tcl3dOglGetProfile after Togl creation to check, if your
wished profile has been established.
The procedure returns a dictionary with the following
coreprofile true|false
major int
minor int
See also: tcl3dOglHaveVersion tcl3dOglGetVersionNumber tcl3dOglGetIntegerState
Name: tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog - Get shader program log.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog { shader }
Description: shader : Shader program
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the shader program (as returned by function
glCreateProgram), the function returns the
information log message as a Tcl string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog tcl3dOglGetShaderSource tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB
Name: tcl3dOglGetProgramState - Get program parameter status.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetProgramState { program status }
Description: program : Program object
status : OpenGL enumeration.
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the program object (as returned by function
glCreateProgram), the function returns the
value of the specified status parameter.
See also: tcl3dOglLinkProgram tcl3dOglGetShaderState
Name: tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog - Get shader object log.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog { shader }
Description: shader : Shader object
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the shader object (as returned by function
glCreateShader), the function returns the
information log message as a Tcl string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog tcl3dOglGetShaderSource tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB
Name: tcl3dOglGetShaderSource - Get shader object source.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetShaderSource { shader }
Description: shader : Shader object
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the shader object (as returned by function
glCreateShader), the function returns the
shader source code as a Tcl string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB tcl3dOglShaderSource
Name: tcl3dOglGetShaderState - Get shader parameter status.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetShaderState { shader status }
Description: shader : Shader object
status : OpenGL enumeration.
Utility function for easier use of OpenGL function
Given the shader object (as returned by function
glCreateShader), the function returns the
value of the specified status parameter.
See also: tcl3dOglCompileProgram tcl3dOglGetProgramState
Name: tcl3dOglGetUrl - Get the URL of the official
documentation of an OpenGL item.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetUrl { item }
Description: Return the URL of the official documentation of OpenGL
item "item" as a string.
Item can be the name of a function, extension or
If no documentation page exists, a Google search URL
for that item is returned.
Note: The documentation pages on
currently only include OpenGL up to version 2.1.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersion - Get OpenGL version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersion {}
Description: Return the version string of the wrapped OpenGL library.
The version string does not have a specific format.
It depends on the vendor of the OpenGL implementation.
Some examples:
1.4 APPLE-1.6.18
2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.12
If no OpenGL context has been established (i.e. a Togl
window has not been created), the function returns an
empty string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dGetLibraryInfo tcl3dOglHaveVersion
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums - Get the enumeration names of
an OpenGL version or extension.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums { version }
Description: Return the enumeration names of OpenGL version or
extension "version" as a list.
If "version" is not a supported version or extension,
an empty list is returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetVersionList tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs - Get the function names of an
OpenGL version or extension.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs { version }
Description: Return the function names of OpenGL version or extension
"version" as a list.
If "version" is not a supported version or extension,
an empty list is returned.
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetVersionList tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersionList - Get list of OpenGL versions
and extensions.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersionList {}
Description: Return a list of all wrapped OpenGL versions and
extension names.
The names are strings identical to their corresponding
C defines.
GL versions : GL_VERSION_1_5, GL_VERSION_3_2
GL extensions: GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_EXT_texture3D
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersionNumber - Get OpenGL version number.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersionNumber {}
Description: Return the OpenGL version number as a dictionary
containing the following elements:
major: int
minor: int
patch: int
If a component of the OpenGL version number is not
supplied by the OpenGL driver, the corresponding element
is set to -1.
Note: The version number of the OpenGL implementation
is extracted from the string returned by calling
"glGetString GL_VERSION". As some vendors format
the version in an unusual way, this function may
not work correctly on all platforms.
If no OpenGL context has been established (i.e. a Togl
window has not been created), the function returns an
empty dictionary.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dOglGetVersion tcl3dOglHaveVersion
Name: tcl3dOglGetVersions - Get OpenGL version information.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetVersions { toglwin }
Description: Return OpenGL version information as a list of
(key,value) pairs.
Keys are the following OpenGL version types:
Values are the corresponding version strings as returned
by the underlying OpenGL implementation.
{GL_VENDOR {Intel Inc.}}
{GL_RENDERER {Intel GMA 950 OpenGL Engine}}
{GL_VERSION {1.2 APPLE-1.4.56}}
See also: tcl3dOglHaveVersion tcl3dOglGetExtensions
Name: tcl3dOglGetViewport - Get current viewport.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglGetViewport {}
Description: Utility function to get the current viewport.
The viewport is returned as a 4-element Tcl list:
{ LowerLeftX LowerLeftY Width Height }
This function corresponds to querying state variable
See also: tcl3dOglGetIntegerState
Name: tcl3dOglHaveExtension - Check availability of a specific
OpenGL extension.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglHaveExtension { toglwin extensionName }
Description: toglwin : Togl window
extensionName : string
Return 1, if the OpenGL extension "extensionName" is
provided by the underlying OpenGL implementation.
Otherwise return 0.
Example: tcl3dOglHaveExtension $toglwin GL_ARB_multitexture
checks the availability of the multitexturing
See also: tcl3dOglGetExtensions
Name: tcl3dOglHaveFunc - Check availability of a specific
OpenGL function.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglHaveFunc { glFuncName }
Description: glFuncName : string
Return 1, if the OpenGL function "glFuncName" is
provided by the underlying OpenGL implementation.
Otherwise return 0.
Example: tcl3dOglHaveFunc glGenQueriesARB
checks the availability of the occlussion query
related ARB extension function glGenQueriesARB.
Note: A Togl window (and therefore a graphics context)
must have been created before issuing a call to
this function.
See also: tcl3dOglHaveExtension
Name: tcl3dOglHaveVersion - Check availability of a specific
OpenGL version.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglHaveVersion { majorWanted { minorWanted -1 }
{ patchWanted -1 } }
Description: majorWanted : int
minorWanted : int
patchWanted : int
Return 1, if the OpenGL version offered by the driver
is equal to or greater than the supplied
major, minor and patch level numbers.
Otherwise return 0.
Note: The version number of the OpenGL implementation
is extracted from the string returned by calling
"glGetString GL_VERSION". As some vendors format
the version in an unusual way, this function may
not work correctly on all platforms.
If no OpenGL context has been established
(i.e. a Togl window has not been created), the
function returns 0.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions
Name: tcl3dOglIsFuncWrapped - Check if OpenGL or GLU function
is wrapped.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglIsFuncWrapped { func }
Description: Return true, if OpenGL or GLU function "func" is wrapped
in Tcl3D. Otherwise return false.
Note: To check, if a function is supported by the used
OpenGL driver, use procedure "tcl3dOglHaveFunc".
See also: tcl3dOglGetFuncList tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated tcl3dOglGetUrl
Name: tcl3dOglIsStateVar - Check for state variable.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglIsStateVar { enumName }
Description: Check, if given enumeration name is an OpenGL
state variable.
Name: tcl3dOglLinkProgram - Link a shader program.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglLinkProgram { programDict }
Description: programDict : Program dictionary
Link the program specified in the program dictionary.
"programDict" is the dictionary returned by
See also: tcl3dOglBuildProgram tcl3dOglCompileProgram tcl3dOglDestroyProgram
Name: tcl3dOglReadShaderFile - Read a shader file.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglReadShaderFile { pathName }
Description: pathName : Shader file name
Read shader file "pathName" and return it's contents
as a string. The path name is transparently mapped with
tcl3dGetExtFile, so that this procedure can be used from
within a starpack.
See also: tcl3dOglShaderSource tcl3dGetExtFile
Name: tcl3dOglSetDebugMode - Set the execution mode of OpenGL
functions to debug.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglSetDebugMode { { printCmd puts } }
Description: printCmd : command name
Set the execution mode of all OpenGL functions to debug.
The "printCmd" will be used to output OpenGL command
execution infos. If not specified, the information is
printed onto stdout with the puts command.
The printCmd must be a command with a single string
See the documentation of tcl3dOglSetMode for a
description of the OpenGL execution modes.
See also: tcl3dOglSetNormalMode tcl3dOglSetSafeMode tcl3dOglSetMode
Name: tcl3dOglSetMode - Set the execution mode for OpenGL
Synopsis: tcl3dOglSetMode { mode { printCmd puts } }
Description: mode : string
printCmd : command name
The OpenGL core and extension functions can be used
in 3 different modes:
"normal", "safe", "debug".
normal: Use the OpenGL functions as wrapped by SWIG.
This is the fastest mode. If using an
OpenGL function not available in the used driver
implementation, this mode will dump core.
safe: In this mode every OpenGL function is checked
for availability in the driver before execution.
If it's not available, a message is printed out.
debug: This mode checks the availability of an OpenGL
function like the safe mode, and additionally
prints out every OpenGL function before
The "printCmd" will be used to output OpenGL command
execution infos. If not specified, the information is
printed onto stdout with the puts command.
The printCmd must be a command with a single string
See also: tcl3dOglSetNormalMode tcl3dOglSetSafeMode tcl3dOglSetDebugMode
Name: tcl3dOglSetNormalMode - Set the execution mode of OpenGL
functions to normal.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglSetNormalMode { { printCmd puts } }
Description: printCmd : command name
Set the execution mode of all OpenGL functions to normal.
The "printCmd" will be used to output OpenGL command
execution infos. If not specified, the information is
printed onto stdout with the puts command.
The printCmd must be a command with a single string
See the documentation of tcl3dOglSetMode for a
description of the OpenGL execution modes.
See also: tcl3dOglSetSafeMode tcl3dOglSetDebugMode tcl3dOglSetMode
Name: tcl3dOglSetSafeMode - Set the execution mode of OpenGL
functions to safe.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglSetSafeMode { { printCmd puts } }
Description: printCmd : command name
Set the execution mode of all OpenGL functions to safe.
The "printCmd" will be used to output OpenGL command
execution infos. If not specified, the information is
printed onto stdout with the puts command.
The printCmd must be a command with a single string
See the documentation of tcl3dOglSetMode for a
description of the OpenGL execution modes.
See also: tcl3dOglSetNormalMode tcl3dOglSetDebugMode tcl3dOglSetMode
Name: tcl3dOglShaderSource - Wrapper for glShaderSource.
Synopsis: tcl3dOglShaderSource { shaderId shaderString }
Description: shaderId : Shader handle
shaderString : string
Wrapper for easier use of OpenGL function glShaderSource.
In contrast to glShaderSource only the shader program
identifier (created with a call to glCreateShaderObject)
and the shader source have to be specified.
See also: tcl3dOglGetShaderSource
Name: tcl3dOsgAddTrackballBindings
- Add OS independent mouse bindings for trackball usage.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgAddTrackballBindings { toglwin osgwin }
Description: toglwin : Togl window identifier
osgwin : int
Name: tcl3dOsgGetBitmap - Get the bitmap image of a node type.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgGetBitmap { nodeType }
Description: Get the bitmap image of a node type.
If the node type is not known or no bitmap is available
yet, a bitmap with a question mark is returned.
Name: tcl3dOsgGetInfoString - Get environment info string.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgGetInfoString {}
Description: Return a string containing information about the
following environment values:
Operating system
OpenGL Renderer
OpenGL version
OSG version
Tcl/Tk version
Tcl/Tk bit size
See also: tcl3dOsgGetVersion
Name: tcl3dOsgGetTraversalModeName - Get traversal mode name.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgGetTraversalModeName { travMode }
Description: travMode : int
Return the string representation of a
osg::NodeVisitor::TraversalMode enumeration type.
See also: tcl3dOsgGetVisitorTypeName
Name: tcl3dOsgGetVersion - Get OSG version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgGetVersion {}
Description: Get the version of the wrapped OpenSceneGraph library.
If no OpenGL context has been established (i.e. a Togl
window has not been created), the function returns an
empty string.
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dGetLibraryInfo
Name: tcl3dOsgGetVisitorTypeName - Get visitor type name.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgGetVisitorTypeName { visitorType }
Description: visitorType : int
Return the string representation of a
osg::NodeVisitor::VisitorType enumeration type.
See also: tcl3dOsgGetTraversalModeName
Name: tcl3dOsgKeysym - Convert a keysym into decimal and
vice versa.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgKeysym { key }
Description: Convert a Tk keysym into it's decimal value and vice
tcl3dOsgKeysym A --> 65
tcl3dOsgKeysym 65 --> A
Name: tcl3dOsgSendButtonPress
- Send the corresponding event down to OSG.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgSendButtonPress { osgwin x y buttonNum }
tcl3dOsgSendButtonRelease { osgwin x y buttonNum }
tcl3dOsgSendMouseMotion { osgwin x y }
tcl3dOsgSendKeyPress { osgwin key }
tcl3dOsgSendKeyRelease { osgwin key }
tcl3dOsgSendWindowResize { osgwin w h }
Description: osgwin : int
x, y : int (cursor position)
w, h : int (window width and height)
buttonNum : int (Button number)
key : int (KeySym)
tcl3dOsgSend* procedures transfer a Tcl/Tk event down
to OSG. Note, that no redraw is done. You must either
use "after idle" with a postredisplay command or use
the utility commands without the "Send" in the name.
Name: tcl3dOsgVecArrayPrint - Print an array of vectors.
tcl3dOsgScalarArrayPrint - Print an array of scalars.
tcl3dOsgObjectArrayPrint - Print an array of objects.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgVecArrayPrint { arr { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
tcl3dOsgScalarArrayPrint { arr { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
tcl3dOsgObjectArrayPrint { arr { precisionString "%s" } }
Description: arr : osg::VecArray, std::vector, osg::MixinVector
precisionString : string
Print the values of all elements of container "arr".
"arr" can be either a osg::VecArrary, a std::vector or a
osg::MixinVector container.
Depending on the element type, special functions are available:
tcl3dOsgVecArrayPrint prints the value of all osg::Vec's
contained in the array.
tcl3dOsgScalarArrayPrint prints the value of all scalars
contained in the array.
tcl3dOsgObjectArrayPrint prints the name of all osg::Object's
contained in the array.
The precisionString parameter can be optionally
specified and must supply a format specification in a
C-printf style.
Name: tcl3dOsgVecPrint - Print a OSG vector.
tcl3dOsgMatPrint - Print a OSG matrix.
tcl3dOsgBBoxPrint - Print a OSG bounding box.
tcl3dOsgBSpherePrint - Print a OSG bounding sphere.
Synopsis: tcl3dOsgVecPrint { vec { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
tcl3dOsgMatPrint { mat { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
tcl3dOsgBBoxPrint { box { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
tcl3dOsgBSpherePrint { sph { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
Description: vec : osg::Vec
mat : osg::Matrix
box : osg::BoundingBox
sph : osg::BoundingSphere
precisionString : string
Print the values of the corresponding OSG classes onto
stdout. The precisionString parameter can be optionally
specified and must supply a format specification in a
C-printf style.
Name: tcl3dPhotoFromVector - Create new Tk photo image from
a Tcl3D vector.
Synopsis: tcl3dPhotoFromVector { vec width height numChans
{ vecIsBottomUp 1 }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
width : int
height : int
numChans : int
vecIsBottomUp : int
Create a new Tk photo containing the image data
of Tcl3D Vector "vec". The Tcl3D Vector must be of type
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE. The image contained in the Tcl3D Vector
is of size "width" by "height" and contains "numChans"
channels. Possible values for "numChans" are from 1 to 4.
If "vecIsBottomUp" is set to 1, the scanlines of the Tcl3D
vector are stored in bottom-up order. If set to 0, the
scanlines are assumed to be in top-down order.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new photo image.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromPhoto
Name: tcl3dRadToDeg - Convert angle from radians to degrees.
Synopsis: tcl3dRadToDeg { ang }
Description: ang : double
Return angle "ang" specified in radians in degrees.
See also: tcl3dDegToRad
Name: tcl3dReadImg - Read an image from file.
Synopsis: tcl3dReadImg { imgName { ignoreAlphaChannel false } }
Description: imgName : string
ignoreAlphaChannel: bool
Try to read the image data stored in file "imgName" and
creates a Tcl3D Vector, which can be used to supply a
texture to OpenGL glTexImg* functions.
If "ignoreAlphaChannel" is set to true, an alpha channel
available in the image file, is ignored.
Return a dictionary with the following keys containing
information about the photo image:
"data" : The Tcl3D Vector.
"width" : Width of the image.
"height" : Height of the image.
"chans" : Number of image channels.
"format" : $::GL_RGB (3-channel images) or
$::GL_RBGA (4-channel images)
If the file contains no image data or an unsupported
format, a Tcl error is thrown.
You should include a "package require Img" to have
support for a large number of image file formats.
You are responsible to free the memory allocated for
the Tcl3D Vector.
# Create the Tcl3D Vector containing the image data.
set img [tcl3dReadImg "myImage.tga"]
# Use the information from the dictionary for texturing.
glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 [dict get $img format] \
[dict get $img width] [dict get $img height] \
0 [dict get $img format] GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE \
[dict get $img data]
# Free the memory of the Tcl3D Vector.
[dict get $img data] delete
See also: tcl3dVectorFromPhoto
Name: tcl3dRgb2Name - Convert OpenGL RGB to color name.
Synopsis: tcl3dRgb2Name { r g b }
Description: r, g, b : int
Convert an OpenGL RGB color representation into a
hexadecimal Tcl color name string.
OpenGL colors are specified as unsigned bytes in the
range [0..255].
Note: For performance issues no range checking is
If specifying color values outside the allowed
range, the resulting Tcl color name may result
in an error like following:
can't parse color "#FD109142"
See also: tcl3dName2rgb tcl3dRgba2Name
Name: tcl3dRgba2Name - Convert OpenGL RGBA to color name.
Synopsis: tcl3dRgba2Name { r g b a }
Description: r, g, b, a : int
Convert an OpenGL RGBA color representation into a
hexadecimal Tcl color name string.
OpenGL colors are specified as unsigned bytes in the
range [0..255].
Note: For performance issues no range checking is
If specifying color values outside the allowed
range, the resulting Tcl color name may result
in an error like following:
can't parse color "#FD109142"
See also: tcl3dName2rgba tcl3dRgb2Name
Name: tcl3dRgbaf2Name - Convert OpenGL RGBA to color name.
Synopsis: tcl3dRgbaf2Name { r g b a }
Description: r, g, b, a : float
Convert an OpenGL RGBA color representation into a
hexadecimal Tcl color name string.
OpenGL colors are specified as floats in the range
Note: For performance issues no range checking is
If specifying color values outside the allowed
range, the resulting Tcl color name may result
in an error like following:
can't parse color "#FD109142"
See also: tcl3dName2rgbaf tcl3dRgbaf2Name
Name: tcl3dRgbf2Name - Convert OpenGL RGB to color name.
Synopsis: tcl3dRgbf2Name { r g b }
Description: r, g, b : float
Convert an OpenGL RGB color representation into a
hexadecimal Tcl color name string.
OpenGL colors are specified as floats in the range
Note: For performance issues no range checking is
If specifying color values outside the allowed
range, the resulting Tcl color name may result
in an error like following:
can't parse color "#FD109142"
See also: tcl3dName2rgbf tcl3dRgbf2Name
Name: tcl3dSDLGetButtonName - Convert button state bitfield.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetButtonName { state }
Description: state : int
Return a SDL button state bitfield as the corresponding
string representation.
See file SDL_mouse.h for the definition of possible
bitfield values.
See also: tcl3dSDLGetFocusName tcl3dSDLGetHatName tcl3dSDLGetEventName
Name: tcl3dSDLGetEventName - Convert event enumeration.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetEventName { state }
Description: state : int (SDL event enumeration)
Return SDL event related enumeration as the
corresponding string representation.
See file SDL_events.h for the definition of possible
enumeration values.
See also: tcl3dSDLGetFocusName tcl3dSDLGetButtonName tcl3dSDLGetHatName
Name: tcl3dSDLGetFocusName - Convert focus state bitfield.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetFocusName { state }
Description: state : int
Return a SDL focus state bitfield as the corresponding
string representation.
See file SDL_active.h for the definition of possible
bitfield values.
See also: tcl3dSDLGetButtonName tcl3dSDLGetHatName tcl3dSDLGetEventName
Name: tcl3dSDLGetHatName - Convert hat state bitfield.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetHatName { state }
Description: state : int
Return a SDL hat state bitfield as the corresponding
string representation.
See file SDL_joystick.h for the definition of possible
bitfield values.
See also: tcl3dSDLGetFocusName tcl3dSDLGetButtonName tcl3dSDLGetEventName
Name: tcl3dSDLGetInfoString - Get environment info string.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetInfoString {}
Description: Return a string containing information about the
following environment values:
Operating system
SDL version
Tcl/Tk version
Tcl/Tk bit size
See also: tcl3dSDLGetVersion
Name: tcl3dSDLGetVersion - Get SDL version string.
Synopsis: tcl3dSDLGetVersion {}
Description: Return the version string of the wrapped SDL library.
The version is returned as "Major.Minor.Patch".
See also: tcl3dOglGetVersions tcl3dGetLibraryInfo
Name: tcl3dSetFullScreenMode - Put a widget into fullscreen
Synopsis: tcl3dSetFullScreenMode { wid }
Description: wid : string
Put widget "wid" into fullscreen mode:
It's size is adjusted to fit the entire screen, window
decoration is removed and the widget can not be resized.
See also: tcl3dSetWindowMode
Name: tcl3dSetScrolledTitle - Set the title of a
scrolled widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dSetScrolledTitle { wid titleStr
{ fgColor "black" } }
Description: wid : string
titleStr : string
fgColor : string
Set the title of scrolled widget "wid" to string
"titleStr". The text color can be optionally specified
with "fgColor". "fgColor" must be a valid Tk color name.
"wid" must be a widget name returned from
tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget or descendants.
See also: tcl3dCreateScrolledWidget
Name: tcl3dSetWindowMode - Put a widget into windowing
Synopsis: tcl3dSetWindowMode { wid w h }
Description: wid : string
w : int
h : int
Put widget "wid" into windowing mode:
It's size is adjusted to width "w" and height "h",
window decoration is enabled and the widget can be
See also: tcl3dSetFullScreenMode
Name: tcl3dShowIndicator - Check, if button indicators
should be shown.
Synopsis: tcl3dShowIndicator {}
Description: Return true, if we want to show the indicators for
radio- and checkbuttons. Currently we do this on a Mac
running Aqua, because it looks very buggy otherwise.
See also: tcl3dHaveAqua
Name: tcl3dShowPackageInfo - Display package information.
Synopsis: tcl3dShowPackageInfo {}
Description: Display the version info returned by
tcl3dGetPackageInfo in a toplevel window.
See also: tcl3dGetPackageInfo
Name: tcl3dTbAnimate - Set the trackball animation mode.
Synopsis: tcl3dTbAnimate { toglwin animate }
Description: toglwin : string
animate : bool
Set the animation mode of the trackball attached to
Togl window "toglwin".
If the trackball shall continue spinning after the
mouse button has been released, set "animate" to true.
Set "animate" to false, if the trackball should stop
spinning after the mouse button has been released.
See also: tcl3dTbStartMotion
Name: tcl3dTbInit - Initialize the trackball module.
Synopsis: tcl3dTbInit { toglwin }
Description: toglwin : string
Initialize the trackball attached to Togl window
This procedure must be called before any other trackball
procedures, for example in the Togl create callback.
Name: tcl3dTbMatrix - Use the trackball matrix rotation
Synopsis: tcl3dTbMatrix { toglwin }
Description: toglwin : string
Use the rotation matrix of the trackball attached to
Togl window "toglwin".
The rotation matrix is applied to the top most OpenGL
matrix with glMultMatrixf.
This procedure is typically called in the Togl display
Name: tcl3dTbMotion - Move the trackball.
Synopsis: tcl3dTbMotion { toglwin x y }
Description: toglwin : string
x : int
y : int
Move the trackball attached to Togl window "toglwin".
"x" and "y" give the actual mouse position inside the
Togl window.
This procedure is typically bound to a mouse motion
Example: bind .toglwin <B1-Motion>
"tcl3dTbMotion .toglwin %x %y"
See also: tcl3dTbStartMotion tcl3dTbStopMotion
Name: tcl3dTbReshape - Notify trackball about a reshape.
Synopsis: tcl3dTbReshape { toglwin w h }
Description: toglwin : string
w : int
h : int
Notify the trackball attached to Togl window "toglwin"
that the size of the window has been changed to
width "w" and height "h".
This procedure is typically called in the Togl reshape
See also: tcl3dTbInit
Name: tcl3dTbStartMotion - Begin trackball movement
Synopsis: tcl3dTbStartMotion { toglwin x y }
Description: toglwin : string
x : int
y : int
Begin movement of the trackball attached to Togl window
"x" and "y" give the actual mouse position inside the
Togl window.
This procedure is typically bound to a button press
Example: bind .toglwin <ButtonPress-1>
"tcl3dTbStartMotion .toglwin %x %y"
See also: tcl3dTbStopMotion tcl3dTbMotion
Name: tcl3dTbStopMotion - Stop trackball movement
Synopsis: tcl3dTbStopMotion { toglwin }
Description: toglwin : string
Stop movement of the trackball attached to Togl window
This procedure is typically bound to a button release
Example: bind .toglwin <ButtonRelease-1>
"tcl3dTbStopMotion .toglwin"
See also: tcl3dTbStartMotion tcl3dTbMotion
Name: tcl3dToolhelpAddBinding - Add binding for a toolhelp
Synopsis: tcl3dToolhelpAddBinding { w str }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
str : string
Add bindings to widget "w" to display message string
"str" in a toolhelp window near the widget. The
toolhelp window is shown, when the mouse enters the
widget and unmapped, when the mouse leaves the widget.
See also: tcl3dToolhelpInit
Name: tcl3dToolhelpHide - Hide toolhelp message.
Synopsis: tcl3dToolhelpHide {}
Description: Hide the toolhelp message window.
See also: tcl3dToolhelpShow tcl3dToolhelpAddBinding
Name: tcl3dToolhelpInit - Initialize toolhelp module.
Synopsis: tcl3dToolhelpInit { w { bgColor yellow }
{ fgColor black } }
Description: w : string (Widget name)
bgColor : string
fgColor : string
Initialize the toolhelp module.
The initialization function only needs to be called
when non-standard background and foreground colors
are needed.
See also: tcl3dToolhelpAddBinding
Name: tcl3dToolhelpShow - Display toolhelp message.
Synopsis: tcl3dToolhelpShow { x y str }
Description: x : int
y : int
str : string
Display the toolhelp window at widget relative
coordinates (x, y) with message string "str".
A typical usage is like follows:
bind $w <Enter> "tcl3dToolhelpShow %X %Y [list $str]"
See also: tcl3dToolhelpHide tcl3dToolhelpAddBinding
Name: tcl3dVec3Print - Print contents of a 3D vector.
Synopsis: tcl3dVec3Print { vec { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
precisionString: string, optional
Print the contents of 3D Vector "vec" onto
standard output. "vec" is a Tcl3D Vector of size 3
and type float or double.
See also: tcl3dMatPrint
Name: tcl3dVector - Create a new Tcl3D Vector
Synopsis: tcl3dVector { type size }
Description: type : string
size : int
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of size "size" by calling
the memory allocation routine new_"type" and create
a new Tcl procedure.
The contents of the new Tcl3D Vector are uninitialized.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
The following base types are currently supported:
GLbitfield GLboolean GLbyte GLclampd
GLclampf GLdouble GLenum GLfloat
GLint GLshort GLsizei GLubyte
GLuint GLushort double float
int short uint ushort
Note: To get an up-to-date list of wrapped types, issue
the command "info commands new_*" after loading
Tcl3D or use the script "vectorTypes.tcl" in
directory "tcl3dUtil/test".
A detailed description of Tcl3D Vectors can be
found in the Tcl3D manual.
See also: tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromPhoto tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromArgs - Create new Tcl3D Vector from
an argument list.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromArgs { type args }
Description: type : string
args : list
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of type "type" from given
variable argument list.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
Note: See the description of tcl3dVector for a list
of usable types.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromPhoto tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromByteArray - Create new Tcl3D Vector from
binary string.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromByteArray { type str }
Description: type : string
str : string
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of type "type" from given
binary string "str".
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
Note: See the description of tcl3dVector for a list
of usable types.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromPhoto tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromLinspace - Create new linearly spaced
Tcl3D Vector.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromLinspace { type s e n }
Description: type : string
s : Start value of type "type"
e : End value of type "type"
n : int
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of type "type" and length "n"
containing "n" data values linearly spaced between and
including "s" and "e".
Type can be any of the following:
GLubyte, GLushort, GLuint, GLfloat, GLdouble,
float, double.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
This command implements the functionality of the MATLAB
linspace command.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromList - Create new Tcl3D Vector from a
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromList { type l { maxElems -1 } }
Description: type : string
l : list
maxElems : int
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of type "type" from given
Tcl list "l". If "maxElems" is given and greater than
zero, only the first "maxElems" are used.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
Note: See the description of tcl3dVector for a list
of usable types.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromPhoto tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromPhoto - Create new Tcl3D Vector from
a Tk photo.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromPhoto { phImg { numChans -1 }
{ scl 1.0 } { off 0.0 } }
Description: phImg : string (Photo image identifier)
numChans : int
scl : double
off : double
Create a new Tcl3D Vector containing the image data
of Tk photo "phImg". The created Tcl3D Vector is of type
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE. If "numChans" is specified and between
1 and 4, only the first "numChans" are copied into
the Tcl3D Vector. Otherwise all channels available in
the photo image are used.
"scl" and "off" can be used to scale and offset the
pixel values while converting.
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromString
Name: tcl3dVectorFromString - Create new Tcl3D Vector from a
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorFromString { type str }
Description: type : string
str : string
Create a new Tcl3D Vector of type "type" from given
string "str".
Return the identifier (i.e. the name of the created Tcl
procedure) of the new Tcl3D Vector.
Note: This version is very slow and is intended only
for converting the characters of short text
strings into it's numerical values to be used by
display lists rendering raster fonts.
As the bitmap fonts only support ranges from 0 to 255,
all characters larger than 255 are replaced by a
question mark.
See the description of tcl3dVector for a list
of usable types.
See also: tcl3dVector tcl3dVectorFromArgs tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorFromPhoto
Name: tcl3dVectorInd - Get index of a Tcl3D Vector.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorInd { vec type ind }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
type : string
ind : int
Return the "pointer" to the "ind" element of a Tcl3D
Vector. The base Tcl3D Vector is specified with "vec",
the type of the Vector is given with "type".
Note: See the description of tcl3dVector for a list
of usable types.
This function may be used in conjunction with
OpenGL interleaved vertex arrays. See RedBook
demo "aapolyStride.tcl" for an example usage.
See also: tcl3dVector
Name: tcl3dVectorPrint - Print contents of a Tcl3D Vector.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorPrint { vec num { precisionString "%6.3f" } }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
num : num
precisionString: string, optional
Print the first "num" elements of Tcl3D Vector "vec"
onto standard output.
Note: Tcl3D Vectors behave like C vectors, i.e. they
do not have information about its length.
See also: tcl3dVector
Name: tcl3dVectorToByteArray - Copy Tcl3D Vector into a binary
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorToByteArray { vec numBytes {srcOff 0}
{destOff 0} } {
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
numBytes : int
srcOff : int
destOff : int
Copy "numBytes" elements of Tcl3D Vector "vec" into
a Tcl binary string and return that string. The
Tcl3D Vector has be of type GLubyte.
"srcOff" and "destOff" may be used optionally to specify
an offset into the source and the destination.
See also: tcl3dVectorFromByteArray tcl3dVectorToList tcl3dVectorToString
Name: tcl3dVectorToList - Copy Tcl3D Vector into a list.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorToList { vec num }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
num : int
Copy "num" elements of Tcl3D Vector "vec" into a Tcl
list and return that list.
Note: This version is slow and is intended only for
converting 3D vectors or transformation matrices
into Tcl lists.
See also: tcl3dVectorFromList tcl3dVectorToByteArray tcl3dVectorToString
Name: tcl3dVectorToString - Copy Tcl3D Vector into a string.
Synopsis: tcl3dVectorToString { vec }
Description: vec : string (Tcl3D Vector Identifier)
Interpret the elements of Tcl3D Vector "vec"
(which must be of type GLubyte) as a
null-terminated string and return that string.
Note: This version is slow and is intended only for
short text strings. Use this function for example
to convert the information returned by a GLSL
See also: tcl3dVectorFromString tcl3dVectorToByteArray tcl3dVectorToList
Name: tcl3dWidget2File - Copy widget content into image file.
Synopsis: tcl3dWidget2File { win fileName { ign "" }
{ fmt "JPEG" } { opts "" } }
Description: win : string (Widget name)
fileName : string
ign : string
fmt : string
opts : string
Copy contents of widget "win" and all of its
sub-widgets into a photo image and save this image to
file "fileName". The file format handler is determined
with "fmt". Some formats need optional parameters.
These can be supplied in "opts".
See the Img documentation (man img) for a list of format
handlers and options.
If "ign" is specified and not the empty string, it is
interpreted as a pattern for widget names, that should
be ignored while traversing the widget hierarchy.
The pattern is passed to the "string match" command.
See also: tcl3dWidget2Img tcl3dCanvas2File tcl3dClipboard2File tcl3dWindow2File
Name: tcl3dWidget2Img - Copy widget content into photo image.
Synopsis: tcl3dWidget2Img { win { ign "" } }
Description: win : string (Widget name)
ign : string
Copy contents of widget "win" and all of its
sub-widgets into a photo image.
If "ign" is specified and not the empty string, it is
interpreted as a pattern for widget names, that should
be ignored while traversing the widget hierarchy.
The pattern is passed to the "string match" command.
Return the photo image identifier.
See also: tcl3dWidget2File tcl3dCanvas2Img tcl3dClipboard2Img tcl3dWindow2Img
Name: tcl3dWinIsTop - Check, if widget is a top level window.
Synopsis: tcl3dWinIsTop { wid }
Description: wid : string
Return true, if widget "wid" is a top level window.
See also: tcl3dWinRaise
Name: tcl3dWinRaise - Raise a widget.
Synopsis: tcl3dWinRaise { wid }
Description: wid : string
Raise widget "wid" to the top of the widget layout
See also: tcl3dWinIsTop
Name: tcl3dWindow2Clipboard - Copy window contents into
Synopsis: tcl3dWindow2Clipboard {}
Description: Copy the contents of the top level window (Alt-PrtSc)
into the Windows clipboard.
Note: This function is currently available only under
Windows and needs the Twapi extension.
See also: tcl3dClipboard2Img
Name: tcl3dWindow2File - Copy window contents into file.
Synopsis: tcl3dWindow2File { fileName { fmt "JPEG" } { opts "" } }
Description: fileName : string
fmt : string
opts : string
Copy the contents of the top level window into a photo
image and save the image to file "fileName". The file
format handler is determined with "fmt".
Some formats need optional parameters. These can be
supplied in "opts".
See the Img documentation (man img) for a list of format
handlers and options.
See also: tcl3dWindow2Img
Name: tcl3dWindow2Img - Copy window contents into photo image.
Synopsis: tcl3dWindow2Img {}
Description: Copy the contents of the top level window into a photo
Return the photo image identifier, if successful.
Otherwise a Tcl error is thrown.
See also: tcl3dWindow2File