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News history
Release history

News history

Date News
Year 2016
2016/12/28 Tcl3D-Basic available as part of the BAWT framework.
2016/11/03 Demo of the Month for November 2016 has been released. Clip Planes demo from book More OpenGL Game Programming.
Year 2013
2013/11/23 Uploaded Tclkits (built from Tcl/Tk 8.6.0) for various operating systems.
Year 2012
2012/02/01 Demo of the Month for February 2012 has been released. NeHe's Picking Tutorial (Lesson 32).
2012/01/01 Demo of the Month for January 2012 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of fog in OpenSceneGraph.
Year 2011
2011/12/01 Demo of the Month for December 2011 has been released. Example14 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/11/01 Demo of the Month for November 2011 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of slave cameras in OpenSceneGraph.
2011/10/01 Demo of the Month for October 2011 has been released. Example13 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/09/01 Demo of the Month for September 2011 has been released. Example12 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/08/01 Demo of the Month for August 2011 has been released. Example11 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/07/01 Demo of the Month for July 2011 has been released. Example10 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/06/01 Demo of the Month for June 2011 has been released. Example09 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/05/01 Demo of the Month for May 2011 has been released. Example07 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/04/03 Demo of the Month for April 2011 has been released. Demo of a new GLSL based noise algorithm.
2011/03/01 Demo of the Month for March 2011 has been released. Example06 from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/02/01 Demo of the Month for February 2011 has been released. Example02a from Norbert Nopper's OpenGL core profile programming demos.
2011/01/01 Demo of the Month for January 2011 has been released. Tcl3D demo generating image sequences according to Arnold's cat map, a chaotic mapping of the pixels of an image.
Year 2010
2010/12/31 Tcl3D Version 0.5.0 released.
2010/12/01 Demo of the Month for December 2010 has been released. Julien Guertault's texture generation demo showing different usages of the OpenGL glTexGen function.
2010/11/01 Demo of the Month for November 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of billboards in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/10/02 A bug in the global optimization of VS2008 produced incorrect code for some parts of the OpenSceneGraph wrapper. Updated distribution package with a non-optimized, but correct tcl3dOsg version.
2010/10/01 Demo of the Month for October 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of automatic transformation callbacks in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/09/01 Demo of the Month for September 2010 has been released. OpenSceneGraph demo BasicTexturing from CubosLocos ported to Tcl3D.
2010/08/01 Demo of the Month for August 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of update callbacks in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/07/31 Tcl3D Version 0.4.3 released.
2010/07/01 Demo of the Month for July 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of multitexturing in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/06/17 OpenGL reference page updated for OpenGL 4.0. Tcl3D reference page added.
2010/06/05 I gave a talk about Tcl3D's upcoming OpenGL 4.0 support at the 9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting. The paper of my talk Tcl3D - Catching up with OpenGL is here
2010/06/01 Demo of the Month for June 2010 has been released. Song Ho Ahn's ModelView matrix demo explaining OpenGL transformations.
2010/05/01 Demo of the Month for May 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of lighting in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/04/01 Demo of the Month for April 2010 has been released. OsgHelp tutorial showing the usage of anti-aliased lines in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/03/28 Tcl3D Version 0.4.2 released.
2010/03/20 6 demos from the OsgHelp website have been released.
2010/03/14 OpenGL GoogleMock Creator has been released.
2010/03/01 Demo of the Month for March 2010 has been released. Foping tutorial #11 showing the usage of billboards in OpenSceneGraph.
2010/02/01 Demo of the Month for February 2010 has been released. OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide demo Picking ported to Tcl3D.
2010/01/24 OpenGL reference page added. Demo listings now include links to the official reference pages for OpenGL functions.
2010/01/01 Demo of the Month for January 2010 has been released. Keenan Crane's Quaternion Julia Set Ray Tracer using Cg fragment shaders.
Year 2009
2009/12/01 Demo of the Month for December 2009 has been released. Tcl3D demo displaying molecules read from PDB (Protein Data Base) files.
2009/11/01 Demo of the Month for November 2009 has been released. OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide demo Callback ported to Tcl3D.
2009/10/01 Demo of the Month for October 2009 has been released. OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide demo Lighting ported to Tcl3D.
2009/09/01 Demo of the Month for September 2009 has been released. OpenSceneGraph demo PlanetEarth from CubosLocos ported to Tcl3D.
2009/08/23 Tcl3D Version 0.4.1 released.
2009/08/01 Demo of the Month for August 2009 has been released. Tcl3D demo testing the speed of the glDrawPixels and glReadPixels functions.
2009/07/01 Demo of the Month for July 2009 has been released. Gabriel Zachmann's Mandelbrot shader using GPGPU techniques.
2009/06/05 I gave a talk about Tcl3D's upcoming new feature, the OpenSceneGraph wrapper tcl3dOsg at the 8th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting. The paper of my talk Tcl3D - Next level, please! is here
2009/06/01 Demo of the Month for June 2009 has been released. Bob Free's trislam benchmark demo.
2009/05/01 Demo of the Month for May 2009 has been released. Bob Free's benchmark demo.
2009/04/01 Demo of the Month for April 2009 has been released. Tcl3D demo showing the usage of a 3D texture for animation.
2009/03/01 Demo of the Month for March 2009 has been released. Gustav Taxen's demo showing the 6 platonic solids.
2009/02/01 Demo of the Month for February 2009 has been released, a program showing 3 possible modes of OpenGL execution.
2009/01/01 Demo of the Month for January 2009 has been released. Enhanced PhotoBooth demo.
Year 2008
2008/12/30 Tcl3D Version 0.4.0 released.
2008/12/01 Demo of the Month for December 2008 has been released. Ray-Tracing visualization program.
2008/11/01 Demo of the Month for November 2008 has been released. Steve Butrimas projective texture demo (CodeSampler user submitted samples page 6).
2008/10/01 Demo of the Month for October 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris lighting demo (CodeSampler page 5).
2008/09/14 Tcl3D Version 0.3.3 released.
2008/09/01 Demo of the Month for September 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris color tracking and two-sided lighting demo (CodeSampler page 5).
2008/08/01 Demo of the Month for August 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris planar shadow demo (CodeSampler page 7).
2008/07/01 Demo of the Month for July 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris alpha blending in the framebuffer demo (CodeSampler page 4).
2008/06/01 Demo of the Month for June 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris alpha texture blending demo (CodeSampler page 3).
2008/05/01 Demo of the Month for May 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris materials demo (CodeSampler page 5).
2008/04/01 Demo of the Month for April 2008 has been released. Chaos theory demo originating from the Tclers Wiki.
2008/03/01 Demo of the Month for March 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris point-rotated billboard demo (CodeSampler page 8).
2008/02/01 Demo of the Month for February 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris axis-aligned billboard demo (CodeSampler page 8).
2008/01/01 Demo of the Month for January 2008 has been released. Kevin Harris occlusion query demo (CodeSampler page 7).
Year 2007
2007/12/01 Demo of the Month for December 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris polygon offset demo (CodeSampler page 5).
2007/10/31 Demo of the Month for November 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris clipping plane demo (CodeSampler page 2).
2007/09/29 Demo of the Month for October 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris Cg based multi-texture demo (CodeSampler page 10).
2007/08/31 Demo of the Month for September 2007 has been released. David Blythe's accumulation buffer based image processing demo.
2007/07/29 Demo of the Month for August 2007 has been released. NeHe's Shadow Casting Tutorial (Lesson 27).
2007/07/01 Demo of the Month for July 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris multi-texture blending demo (CodeSampler page 4).
2007/05/30 Demo of the Month for June 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris texture addressing demo (CodeSampler page 3).
2007/05/01 Demo of the Month for May 2007 has been released. A GLSL demo with Photo Booth image warping effects.
2007/04/01 Demo of the Month for April 2007 has been released. NeHe's Morphing Points Tutorial (Lesson 25).
2007/03/01 Demo of the Month for March 2007 has been released. Kevin Harris framebuffer object demo (CodeSampler page 14).
2007/03/01 A new Wiki page Tcl3D Demo of the Month has been established.
2007/02/25 Tcl3D Version 0.3.2 released.
Year 2006
2006/10/01 A second article about Tcl3D by Carsten Zerbst appeared in the October (10/06) edition of the German Linux Magazin.
2006/07/01 An article about Tcl3D by Carsten Zerbst appeared in the July (07/06) edition of the German Linux Magazin.
2006/06/19 Tcl3D Version 0.3.1 released.
2006/05/26 I gave another talk about Tcl3D at the 6th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting. The paper of my talk Tcl3D: One year after is here
2006/02/12 Tcl3D Version 0.3 released.
2006/01/07 Tcl3D Version 0.2 released.
Year 2005
2005/12/14 Created domain
2005/05/29 Tcl3D Version 0.1 (TclOgl) released.
2005/05/28 Tcl3D introduced as TclOgl at the 5th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting. The paper of my talk Doing 3D With Tcl is here

Top of page

Release history

Version 0.5.0 (2010/12/31): Tcl/Tk updated to version 8.5 (using ttk and dicts).
  - Enhancements / New features:
    + Tcl/Tk 8.5.8 now used as standard Tcl version.
      dicts and ttk are used in Tcl3D library and demos.
    + GLEW version updated to 1.5.7. OpenGL support now up to 4.1.
    + Incorporated features from Togl 2.0:
      - Use of Tcl_Obj instead of strings.
      - Code cleanup.
      - INCOMPATIBILITY: Reshape callback does not have width and height parameters
        anymore. Use the Togl width and height methods to get the widget's size.
    + Starpack related:
      - Updated Img version to 1.4 SVN Revision 315.
    + GLUS shapes: glusCreatePlane, glusCreateCube, glusCreateSphere,
                   glusCreateTorus, glusDestroyShape.
        These functions return a dictionary containg the geometry in tcl3dVectors
        to be used in vertex array objects (VAO).
    + New utility functions:
      - Shader utility functions: tcl3dOglReadShaderFile, tcl3dOglBuildProgram,
          tcl3dOglCompileProgram, tcl3dOglLinkProgram, tcl3dOglDestroyProgram.
      - tcl3dReadImg: Read an image and return a dictionary containing the image
          data in a tcl3dVector as well as additional image information
          (width, height, format, nchans).
      - tcl3dOglGetVersionNumber: Get OpenGL version as a dict.
      - tcl3dOglGetProfile: Get OpenGL profile information.
      - tcl3dAfterIdle: Workaround for resize problems on the Mac caused by
          the "after idle" command.
      - tcl3dGetDirList: Utility function to get the contents of a directory.
      - tcl3dDirSelect: An enhanced ttk::Combobox widget for selecting
          directories or files.
      - tcl3dVectorEqual: Check two Tcl3D vectors for equality.
      - tcl3dCgResetError: Reset the Cg error condition.
      - New tcl3dVector member functions: setrgb, setrgba

  - Bug fixes:
    + Corrected tcl3dOglHaveVersion.

  - New demos:
    + 4 new demos added since release 0.4.3.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.
    + New application: OpenGL Information Center.

  - Build environment:
    + Windows 7 64-bit        : VS 2008 Express (32-bit) (Tcl 8.5.8, SWIG 1.3.40)
    + SuSE Linux 11.2 32-bit  : gcc 4.4.1                (Tcl 8.5.7, SWIG 1.3.36)
    + SuSE Linux 11.2 64-bit  : gcc 4.4.1                (Tcl 8.5.7, SWIG 1.3.36)
    + OS X 10.6 (SnowLeopard) : gcc 4.2.1 (32-bit)       (Tcl 8.5.8, SWIG 1.3.40)
Version 0.4.3 (2010/07/31): Bug fix and maintenance release. Ready for OpenGL 4.0.
  - Enhancements / New features:
    + GLEW version updated to 1.5.4. OpenGL support now up to 3.3 and 4.0.
    + FTGL version updated to 2.1.3 RC5. Fixes problems with Non-Ascii characters.
    + SWIG version 1.3.40 tested for correct wrapping.
    + Added support for Visual Studio 2010.
    + New Makefile variable TKDIR for systems having Tcl and Tk
      in separate directories.
    + New utility functions:
      - tcl3dVecMath: All tcl3dVec3f* and tcl3dMatf* have corresponding double
        precision functions: tcl3dVec3d* and tcl3dMatd*.
        New replacement functions for OpenGL functions operating on matrices,
        which do not exist in OpenGL 3.2:
        tcl3dMultMatrixf, tcl3dMultMatrixd, tcl3dRotatef, tcl3dRotated,
        tcl3dScalef, tcl3dScaled, tc3dTranslatef, tcl3dTranslated.
      - tcl3dViewMath: tcl3dOrtho, tcl3dFrustum, tcl3dPerspective, tcl3dLookAt
        as replacement for the corresponding gl and glu functions.
      - New sub-command elemsize to determine the size in bytes of an
        element of a tcl3dVector.
      - New functions tcl3dOglProject and tcl3dOglUnProject in addition to
        gluProject and gluUnProject using tcl3dVectors instead of Tcl lists.
    + New OpenGL information and query function: tcl3dOglGetExtensionList.
    + Enhanced OpenGL information and query functions:
        tcl3dOglGetFuncList,       tcl3dOglGetVersionList, tcl3dOglIsFuncWrapped,
        tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature,  tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion, tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion,
        tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated, tcl3dOglGetUrl,         tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs,

  - Bug fixes:
    + Corrected wrapping of OpenGL enumerations.
      Some enumerations did not get wrapped.

  - New demos:
    + 5 new demos added since release 0.4.2.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

  - Build environment:
    + Windows 7 64-bit                : VS 2008 Express (32-bit)
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 32-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 64-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + OS X 10.4 (Tiger)               : gcc 4.0.1
    + Tcl/Tk 8.4.18
    + SWIG 1.3.40
Version 0.4.2 (2010/03/28): Bug fix and maintenance release. Ready for Tcl/Tk 8.6.
  - Enhancements / New features:
    + GLEW version updated to 1.5.3. OpenGL support now up to 3.2.
    + Cg version updated to 2.2.0017 (Cg 2.2 February 2010 release).
    + Gl2ps version updated to 1.3.5.
    + Starpack related:
        - Added Tablelist version 4.12.
        - Updated Twapi version to 2.2.3.
        - Cg support for Darwin.
    + New utility functions: tcl3dOglGetGlewVersion, tcl3dCameraModel, tcl3dTeapotModel.
    + New OpenGL information and query functions:
        tcl3dOglGetVersionList, tcl3dOglIsFuncWrapped,   tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature,
        tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion, tcl3dOglGetEnumVersion,  tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated,
        tcl3dOglGetUrl,         tcl3dOglGetVersionFuncs, tcl3dOglGetVersionEnums

  - Bug fixes:
    + Corrected presentation framework to work with Tcl/Tk 8.6.

  - New demos:
    + New application: OpenGL GoogleMock Creator.
    + 7 new demos added since release 0.4.1.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

  - Build environment:
    + Windows XP SP3                  : VS Express 2005 SP1
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 32-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 64-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + OS X 10.4 (Tiger)               : gcc 4.0.1
    + SGI IRIX 6.5.22                 : gcc 3.4.6 (Nekoware)
Version 0.4.1 (2009/08/23): New module tcl3dOsg wrapping the OpenSceneGraph library
  - Enhancements / New features:
    + New optional module tcl3dOsg, wrapping the OpenSceneGraph library.
      Wrapping is based on OpenSceneGraph version 2.8.2.
      Several demo and test programs showing the new functionality.
    + Support for Visual Studio 2008.
    + Improved detection of OS and compiler in make files: To detect, if using
      a DOS console for compilation, the existence of environment variable
      VSINSTALLDIR is checked. This variable is also used to detect a .NET
      compiler (i.e. VS2005 or VS2008, which need manifests).
    + Corrected build files and support for MinGW.
    + SWIG version 1.3.38 tested for correct wrapping.
    + Cg version updated to 2.2.0006.
    + Gl2ps version updated to 1.3.3.
    + New utility functions: tcl3dOglSetMode, tcl3dOglSetNormalMode,
      tcl3dOglSetSafeMode, tcl3dOglSetDebugMode to switch between the
      3 OpenGL execution modes: Normal, Safe, Debug.
      Corresponding buttons added in the presentation framework.
    + New utility function: tcl3dVectorFromLinspace to create new linearly
      spaced Tcl3D Vector.
      Added test file vectorlinspace.tcl.
    + New utility functions: tcl3dOglFindFunc, tcl3dOglGetExtSuffixes to
      find an implemented OpenGL function from it's core name by searching
      all known extension names.
      Added test file findFuncs.tcl.
    + CAUTION: Incompatible changes, if used from the Tcl level.
      Replaced Int8, Float32, ... with corresponding GLbyte, GLfloat typedefs.
      Also changed function names accordingly.

  - Bug fixes:
    + Corrected bug in OpenGL wrapper createGlewSwigFile.tcl:
      glGetStringi was not wrapped.
    + Corrected bug in tcl3dUtilFractal.c: tcl3dFractalToPhoto had incorrect
      x and y scaling.

  - Removed features:
    + Support for Visual C++ 6.0 and CygWin deprecated.

  - New demos:
    + 7 new demos added since release 0.4.0.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

  - Build environment:
    + Windows XP SP3                  : VS Express 2005 SP1
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 32-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 64-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + OS X 10.4 (Tiger)               : gcc 4.0.1
    + SGI IRIX 6.5.22                 : gcc 3.4.6 (Nekoware)
Version 0.4.0 (2008/12/30): OpenGL wrapping now based on GLEW
  - Enhancements / New features:
    + CAUTION: Possibly incompatible changes.
      OpenGL wrapping is now based on GLEW, because the previously used OglExt
      extension library is no longer supported.
      OpenGL version now supported is 3.0, based on GLEW version 1.5.1.
      No C++ dependency anymore in the core module.
    + No more initialization (tcl3dOglExtInit) of the extended OpenGL
      functionality needed. This is done now when creating the Togl widget.
    + The old OpenGL extension library OglExt automatically detected, if
      OpenGL functions are not implemented in the OpenGL driver, and did
      nothing in that case. This had the disadvantage, that programs seem
      to run, but indeed were missing an extension function.
    + New OpenGL utility procedures:
      tcl3dOglHaveFunc, tcl3dOglGetFuncList,
      tcl3dOglGetFuncSignatureList, tcl3dOglGetFuncVersionList.
    + CAUTION: Possibly incompatible change.
      Togl's command line parameter "-swapinterval" is set to zero by default, so
      that demos always run with maximum framerate, instead of being fixed to
      the display's refresh rate.
      Removed now obsolete "-swapinterval 0" statements in several demos.
    + Demo tcl3dInfo.tcl updated to display OpenGL version information,
      function signature and availability of all wrapped OpenGL functions.
    + User and reference manuals updated.

  - Bug fixes:
    + GLEW has wrong glPointParameterfv* functions signatures:
      "float *" instead of "const float *" according to OpenGL standard.
      Changed in glew.h file.
    + tcl3dVecMath.c had incorrect tcl3dMatfRotate function.
      Thanks to Stefan Augustiniack for patch.

  - Removed features:
    + Removed obsolete versions 0.1 and 0.2 from Tcl3D homepage.
    + Removed compatibility function for version 0.1.
    + CAUTION: Possibly incompatible change.
      Removed wrapping of Windows specific OpenGL functions (wgl*).
      Operating system specific functions should only be used in the Togl code.

  - New demos:
    + 4 new demos added since release 0.3.3.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

  - Build environment:
    + Windows XP SP3                  : VS Express 2005 SP1
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 32-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + SuSE Linux 10.2 64-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
    + OS X 10.4 (Tiger)               : gcc 4.0.1
    + SGI IRIX 6.5.22                 : gcc 3.4.6 (Nekoware)
Version 0.3.3 (2008/09/14): Bug fix and maintenance release
  - Enhancements:
    + Enhanced documentation:
      Reference manual for Tcl3D specific functions.
      User manual updated and enhanced.
    + Added 64-bit Linux to the supported list of platforms.
    + Improved Mac OS X support:
      Fixed resize problems in presentation framework.
      Consistent mouse button behaviour across operating systems.
    + Trackball module supports multiple windows.
      CAUTION: Incompatible change. Additional Togl window parameter in
               procedures tcl3dTbAnimate, tcl3dTbInit, tcl3dTbMatrix.
      Thanks to Michael Magoga for this patch.
    + New OpenGL utility procedures:
      tcl3dOglGetIntState, tcl3dOglGetFloatState, tcl3dOglGetDoubleState.
      tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureSize, tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureUnits,
      tcl3dOglGetViewport, tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog, tcl3dOglGetProgramInfoLog,
      tcl3dOglGetShaderSource, tcl3dOglShaderSource, tcl3dOglGetInfoLogARB.
    + New low-level routines for copying Tcl lists into a vector:
      Tcl utility procedure tcl3dVectorFromList updated to transparently use the
      new low-level routines.
    + Starpacks now allow drag-and-drop of TclKit files.
    + tcl3dGetExtFile not constrained to Starkits anymore.
      Thanks to Jean-Claude Gohard for supplying a vfs and zvfs enabled version.
    + New utility functions for random number generation (same algorithm at C
      and Tcl level).
  - Bug fixes:
    + Bug fix in tcl3dGauges: Eliminated bgerror procedures.
      Thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux and Synic for hints on this bug.
    + Several bug fixes in the presentation framework.
      Thanks to Philip Quaiffe for hints and other useful discussions.
    + Several other minor bug fixes.
  - New demos:
    + 19 new demos added since release 0.3.2.
      These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.
Version 0.3.2 (2007/02/25): Demo cleanup and first official Mac OS X support
  - Unification of demo applications and presentation framework.
  - New module tcl3dDemoUtil for C/C++ based utility functions needed by
    some of the demos for speed issues.
  - More NeHe tutorials added: Lessons 14, 22-24, 26, 28, 33, 36, 37, 41, 45-48.
  - Nine demos from added.
  - Updated Tcl3D manual. Created separate demo overview document.
  - Added support to capture screenshots (Module tcl3dCapture).
  - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil: ArcBall emulation.
  - Added windowing system specifics (SwapInterval, Multisampling) to the
    tcl3dTogl widget.
  - Added support for Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) and 2005 (8.0).
  - Enhanced tcl3dVector functionality.
    + Utility functions for manipulation of image data stored in tcl3dVectors:
        tcl3dVectorCopy, tcl3dVectorCopyChannel,
        tcl3dVectorManip, tcl3dVectorManipChannel
    + tcl3dVector member functions for content independent manipulation:
        setvec, addvec, mulvec
  - tcl3dOde now uses ODE version 0.7 and is available for Windows, Linux,
    Mac OS X and Irix. Wrapper still in alpha version and not complete.
  - tcl3dGl2ps now uses GL2PS version 1.3.2.
  - tcl3dCg now uses Cg version 1.5.0015.
    The 1.4 versions of Cg did not work with OS X on Intel platforms.
Version 0.3.1 (2006/06/19): Starpack support for Tcl3D
  - Starpack version of Tcl3D, including demos and external libraries.
    First shown at TclEurope 2006.
  - New optional module tcl3dGl2ps, wrapping the OpenGL To Postscript library.
    (Thanks to Ian Gay for idea and first implementation)
  - New optional module tcl3dOde, wrapping the Open Dynamics Engine.
    Very alpha preview, Windows only !!!
  - More NeHe tutorials added: Lessons 19-21.
Version 0.3 (2006/02/12): MacOS X and enhanced font support
  - Support for Mac OS X added.
    (Thanks to Daniel A. Steffen for supplying patches and binaries)
  - New optional module tcl3dFTGL, wrapping the OpenGL font rendering
    library FTGL, based on freetype fonts.
  - Corrected and enhanced font handling under Windows in the tcl3dTogl widget.
    No more private Tcl header files needed.
  - Added new font related demo programs:
    tcl3dFont.tcl, tcl3dToglFonts.tcl, ftglTest.tcl, ftglDemo.tcl.
  - Added new SDL demo related to CD-ROM handling: cdplayer.tcl
  - Added some of NeHe's OpenGL tutorials.
  - If an optional library is not installed, no error message is created.
    New procedures to check existence of optional modules:
    tcl3dHaveCg, tcl3dHaveSDL, tcl3dHaveFTGL.
  - Get information on Tcl3D subpackages with tcl3dGetPackageInfo
    and tcl3dShowPackageInfo.
  - Information program tcl3dInfo.tcl enhanced to support commands
    and enums of SDL and FTGL modules.
  - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil: Simple, scrollable Tk widgets
    for demo programs, trackball emulation (used in FTGLdemo.tcl).
  - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil:
    tcl3dVectorFromByteArray, tcl3dVectorToByteArray.
    Convert Tcl binary strings to tcl3dVectors and vice versa
    (see demo bytearray.tcl).
  - Bug fix in OglExt wrapping: Parameters of type "float *"
    and "double *" were wrapped incorrectly.
Version 0.2 (2006/01/07): Major rewrite of TclOgl
  - Major rewrite and inclusion of several new 3D libraries:
      + OpenGL 2.0 and extensions
      + NVidia's Cg library
      + SDL, the Simple Direct Media Library
      + 4 gauge widgets (Thanks to Victor G. Bonilla for supplying this library)
      + Utility library
  - Renamed from tclogl to Tcl3D
  - Created domain
Version 0.1 (2005/05/29): Initial version
  - First version (called TclOgl) introduced at the Tcl Europe 2005 conference.
  - Supported features include basic OpenGL wrapping.

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